Sunday Seasoned Sayings: Stand Still and See September 18, 2011 By Sandra Heska King (Sanderling standing still at the edge of Lake Superior) Now then, stand still and see this great thing the Lord is about to do before your eyes! ~1 Samuel 12:16 (NIV) Share this:EmailPrintFacebookTwitterPinterest
Michelle DeRusha says September 21, 2011 at 10:28 pm Love that verse — I just read it for the first time recently. It got major underlines in my Bible! Wishing you well at the conference…fingers crossed for a positive experience and outcome!
Great photos! Happy Sunday to you.
Thanks, Susan. Hope you had an awesome day.
Love that verse — I just read it for the first time recently. It got major underlines in my Bible!
Wishing you well at the conference…fingers crossed for a positive experience and outcome!