She says she doesn’t want visitors.
We tell them this.
But they say they’ll drive the three hours anyway, her best friend and family.
They haven’t seen each other for years, although they talk on the phone every week.
When I arrive in the morning, she’s already back in bed after breakfast and a shower.
We spritz Chanel No. 5.
And I don’t tell her they’re coming.
She’s tired, and this morning, of all mornings, she naps hard before lunch.
And Therapy does not disturb her.
This is good today, I think.
I sit in her wheelchair and read and watch 9-11 coverage while she sleeps.
And they come, and I wake her, and she’s glad.
Dottie’s made a white ceramic angel and brought a “Heska for County Treasurer” pin from years ago, and Mom wants it pinned to her.
And we leave the two of them to visit alone, and the rest of us go outside.
I come in to check on them, and her lunch tray comes, and Dottie joins the others.
She agrees to get up in her chair and eat a little.
And then she says, “Let’s blow this popsicle stand,” and I wheel her down the shiny floor and right out the front door where company has gathered in the shade. We even bring out extra chairs.
A great-grandson comes bearing a wilted flower.
The Droid and I encounter a praying mantis on the brick.
Everyone laughs and reminisces and takes pictures.
And the breeze refreshes.
Until she tires, and so we wheel her back to nap, and the rest of us go out to drunch and tell stories and laugh some more until they have to leave.
I’m so grateful for the fragrance of friendship.
And I see His hand in this good day.
Just as lotions and fragrance give sensual delight, a sweet friendship refreshes the soul. ~Proverbs 27:9 (Message)

Angels abound in many forms. What a blessing for all of you.
You are one of His angels, Susan. Grateful for you.
OH, I love this story, these pictures. My sister-in-law is sitting at my table tonight and we’re entertaining each other with stories of our aging moms, trying to decide whether to laugh or cry. We decide to laugh – and do so heartily. I thank God with you for this good day for your mama – and for you. Oh, blessings abound as you walk the rest of this road. And ‘blow this popsicle stand?’ LOVE IT.
Such healing in laughter. And doncha know one day we’re all gonna blow this popsicle stand and then we can sit around on the clouds and laugh until we fall into a rainbow. I want to be able to cloud sit with you, my friend.
So many families share this story. My heart Prayers go out to each one. And, yes, we must take the good days and treasure them, for we do not know how many we have.
So, so true, Ceci. We’ve got to live each moment to the fullest because we just don’t know what the next will bring.
Wow. It’s so hard to make that call about visitors isn’t it. You want to honor her request, but honor the visitor as well. Thank God he is in control! You will never, ever regret letting them come on ahead with their visit… even though she didn’t quite feel up to it… look how it blessed everyone’s day. I am so thankful you have this time with your mom. I know the road you are on and I will pray for you.
Thanks so much, Patricia.
Going through this with my MIL. Praying for your mom!
Thanks, Lynn. Praying for your MIL–and you, as always. 🙂
Beautiful, Sandy. Did she really make that lovely angel? What a sweet and special memory you have recorded here.
And, just this: a little birdie told me a secret…and I can’t wait ’til Texas!
She did, indeed!
And I can’t wait, either! Over. Whelmed. By. Him.
really, really, really??? TEXAS, Sandy??? Oh, I hope, I hope so. Just found out Lyla is coming – what a party. Cloud sitting in Texas??? Oh, maybe. :>)
REALLY!! 😀 😀 I can’t believe we’re going to be together.
What a wonderful day and friend! I love that they talk on the phone weekly though they haven’t seen each other for years. The angel is beautiful in it’s simplicity. Luminous, almost. I think Emily’s list sent me here, or maybe Laura’s. Nice to meet you!
Thank you so much for stopping by! It’s nice to meet you, too. I’ve just come from your “house” where you’ve been spilling crumbs. Beautiful.
May God continue to bear you up, Sandra, as you care for your mom. I’m thankful for the day the two of you had with real friends. Visiting from Emily’s.
Welcome, Brandee. I’m so grateful for friendships forged even through cyberspace. How God is using those waves to bind His people together. And I’m grateful for my sister who is able to be there day by day when I can’t.
oh, i love the tender details in this… how you spritz Chanel no. 5 and go to the Popsicle stand. beautiful post, sandra.
I sure hope they don’t confiscate that perfume. 😉