She resists the smooth and even concrete.
She resists the cool and soft grass.
The birthday girl wants to travel the rough road.
The gravel way.
And so we walk.
Down and circle up.
Up and circle down.
Crunching and scuffing.
Head down.
Until she stops and squats to examine the shapes and colors.
Scoops them up.
And throws them with a flourish.
I delight in her delight.
In her fascination with the simple.
But I wonder.
How often do I chose the ankle-twisting way over the firm?
Happy First Birthday to my little June Bug!
You provide a broad path for my feet, so that my ankles do not give way. ~Psalm 18:36 (NIV)
She’s a cute one…happy birthday.
Reminded me of Hind’s Feet on High Places for some reason. And I’m guessing you may have read that one?
Oh yeah, I love that one! Actually, her and the book. 🙂
What beautiful thoughts! I thought of you and Miss Lillee yesterday when, of course, my first lilies bloomed again! She is beautiful as are my lilies this year!
🙂 Did I tell you that Abby hung your photo on her living room wall? I can’t believe a whole year has gone by already.
BTW, Bryce is adorable!
What a cutie … and what a question to ponder!
She just cracked me up. We’d get on the cement, and she’d pull away to walk on the stones. These are all Droid photos. 😉