Saturday Snaps: Gold ~ A Photo Prompt May 21, 2011 By Sandra Heska King Because I love your commands more than gold, more than pure gold, and because I consider all your precepts right, I hate every wrong path. ~Psalm 119:127-128 (NIV) Share this:EmailPrintFacebookTwitterPinterest
Kelly Sauer says May 21, 2011 at 7:46 am Omigoodness – this is spectacular! I love them all! So much beautiful gold!
Sandra says May 22, 2011 at 6:25 am Thanks, Kelly. I had a different post ready to roll until I visited Three. This was fun. 🙂
Andrea Hutchinson says May 21, 2011 at 1:33 pm Absolutely stunning and I love…LOVE the scripture you have chosen…so very fitting. Lovely work. I truly enjoyed it. Blessings, Andrea
Sandra says May 22, 2011 at 6:30 am Hi, Darlene. Thanks. I snapped that last photo on a drive around the neighborhood because it was so unique. But it seemed to fit right in here.
Sandra says May 22, 2011 at 6:31 am I remembered that one when I found the scripture. Isn’t God awesome?
Sandra says May 22, 2011 at 6:39 am That was another of those “accident” photos. I’ve used it in a couple other posts. And Anne Lang Bundy borrowed it for one of hers, too. 🙂
Patricia says May 21, 2011 at 8:50 pm Love that you posted so many beauties! A shower of golden delight. Thank you!
Omigoodness – this is spectacular! I love them all! So much beautiful gold!
Thanks, Kelly. I had a different post ready to roll until I visited Three. This was fun. 🙂
What she said….
😀 😀
Absolutely stunning and I love…LOVE the scripture you have chosen…so very fitting.
Lovely work. I truly enjoyed it.
Hi, Andrea. Thanks so much!
what a gold mine of beauty!!!
You are such an encourager, Susan. Pure gold.
Love the last 3 especially!
Hi, Darlene. Thanks. I snapped that last photo on a drive around the neighborhood because it was so unique. But it seemed to fit right in here.
good ones.
cool golden path in the field.
I remembered that one when I found the scripture. Isn’t God awesome?
I’m with Darlene. Can’t hardly beat the sunlight:)
That was another of those “accident” photos. I’ve used it in a couple other posts. And Anne Lang Bundy borrowed it for one of hers, too. 🙂
Love that you posted so many beauties! A shower of golden delight. Thank you!
Thanks for coming by, Patricia! This was a fun prompt, yes?
Love that first pic!