Worship is a way of seeing the world in the light of God. ~Abraham Hershel
I want to see God.
I want to see His magic in every moment.
To go deep with Him in the ordinary and experience the extraordinary.
To not just see Him but behold Him.
And see the world in His light.
It is a terrible thing to see and have no vision. ~Helen Keller
I think about how I pulled into the hospital parking ramp and realized I’d just driven 26 miles on auto pilot. Without a clue as to how I arrived at my destination.
And wondered what I missed along the way.
A child’s shy wave–unreturned?
Furrowed fields lined with snow carpets?
A lone deer who dared expose itself to glean within the rows?
The blotchy belly of a hawk perched high on a pole?
I don’t want to journey on auto pilot.
Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything beautiful,
for beauty is God’s handwriting.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
I think of this morning’s God-colored yard gifts–crimson cardinals and blue jays and gold finches and black-capped chickadees.
And then I remember . . .
the fire!
I forgot all about it.
I race downstairs to discover, yes, it has grown cold. I stir the white ash, bend low, and puff. A swirl of dust and flakes fly heavenward, and a handful of coals begins to glow warm. I push them to center with the side of the poker and stack broken bits of branches and dry debris on top.
I close stove door, leave slightly ajar for draft.
And wait.
Willing brilliance from the barren.
Life from death.
And my paltry pile bursts into small flames that lick around and between.
I add larger twigs and then a brittle chunk of wood
Crimson and blue and gold tongues engulf the belly of the stove. I come close and feel my face and hands bake.
I think of Isaiah and coal hot to lips. And Moses barefoot low before a burning bush.
And I think of how He takes our paltry piles of brokenness and ashes cold and rekindles with a puff of His breath. Life and beauty and passion flame again and again.
The heat of holy throbs within my chest, and I sense I stand on holy ground.
Because every moment we see Him or sense His presence–in His word, in His world, in His people, in our circumstances–is a holy moment.
Just to be is a blessing. Just to live is holy.
~Abraham Heschel
And I worship there, on the flagstone.
Because I’ve seen Him in the fire.
Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God. ~Matthew 5:8
Praying you see Him in every moment and sense the holy throughout the week.
Linking with L.L. Barkat at Seedlings in Stone.
Beautiful. May we always “see.”
Yes. Really see. Thanks, Sheila.
Thank you for this. Your words bring a blessing wrapped in holiness that warms my soul.
Come. Let’s have tea in front of the fire. 🙂
Cool. A good reminder that we can Find God in many places if we just look. Thanks for this.
This is beautiful today Sandra.
Thanks, Michael.
Nice. He is there to be seen, heard, experienced.
And it’s hard to see, hear, or experience unless we slow down and savor.
Great post!
I especially like that quote by Heschel … we so rarely take the time to just “be.”
That being thing sometimes seems like we’re wasting time.
Great post and that Helen Keller quote sums it all up. Wonderful, Sandra. Thanks.
Thanks, Jason.
I love this, Sandra. And your writing is incredibly strong here.
Oh, wow. Thanks.
“I don’t want to journey on auto pilot.” Me either.
You’ve made a quiet place here, today. I’m a fan of quiet. Thanks.
I would sit in a quiet place with you, sipping tea . . .
I especially like the Helen Keller quote. Many times, I’ve walked through life on auto pilot…and missed so much. May I be fully engaged and present in all He has for me each day.
And I’m amazed every time He blows soft into those ashes and reignites His fire in me, those times I forget to tend it myself. He always sees.
There have been times when He’s let me sit in those ashes for awhile . . .
*jawdrop* I…am…speechless! Beautiful, Sandra! Really…truly…beautiful. {{sigh}}
Keep diving, Snady. You’re bringing up wonderful treasures to share with us. : )
:d 😀