They orbit a Center in cyberspace. And sometimes in that sacred galaxy, entered words find their mark. There’s a holy collision. Splayed hearts melt, mold, and magnetize–creating and drawing new friendships.
Deep friendships.
Real friendships.
Friendships that share joys and dreams and fears and hurts. That fervently pray and encourage and inspire. That speak truth into each others’ lives.
Yes, real friendships.
Heart to heart. Spirit to spirit.
But sometimes the cyber mist lifts.
And hearts behold face-to-face.
Sticky sisters from four states for such a time as this. Women with a vision of shining brightest in a land of shiny things.
There are no axes under my bed.
No knives under my pillow.
Not that I expect that.
Even for a wisp of a second.
It is a weekend of love and laughter and tears and dreams and ministry.
And lots of peppermint ice cream pie. With crushed Oreos and dark chocolate fudge sauce.
It begins when Michigan and Florida converge in Tennessee.
Georgia arrives later and we add Mexican spice to the weekend menu.
Me, Tami, Brenda, Melinda
Shining online.
Melinda and Tami
Sock sisters following Jesus.
A morning of ministry.
Melinda, Toni, Tami, and part of me.
And a three-hour lunch.
Me, Tami, Melinda Y, Melinda L
The weekend continues with a lesson in the fine art of eating M&M’s, emerging from the fog of the directionally challenged, tons of food, worship, a Saturday Night Live skit, a missed plane and an unexpected overnight stay (me) for Sunday night football.
In the end, I sit sandwiched between a turbine and a wing. My body reverberates with engine rumbles while my heart rearranges itself with pieces gained to fill spaces from pieces left behind. It realigns itself with Him.
At times it seems I float on white foam billows. Other times I tiptoe on misty tentacles. There are moments where I see clearly, and times when the world seems to stand still in spite of speed.
But mostly the plane is enveloped in fog. I have no sense of place, no sense of direction. And I am grateful for a pilot who knows the way.
And I’m grateful for sticky sisters, real friends, sock souls, who journey with me.
And a Pilot who knows the way.
Celebrating Bridget Chumbley’s One Word at a Time Blog Carnival on Gratitude.
Spilling this for Emily’s Imperfect Prose on Thursdays.
Perfectly said. And now I’m crying 🙂 Love you.
Love you back.
It sounds like you had a wonderful, blessed experience. I envy you the opportunity to meet some of the online friends that have become so special.
Amazing how the Internet can bring us together. Someday maybe we’ll run into each other in the real. 🙂
All I can say, through tears, is “me too.”
So blessed to have hugged your sweet neck. XOXOXO
precious, precious, precious!!! What a gift!
Wrapped in gold. Tied with love. Left part of my heart there. Stole pieces of theirs to bring home.
Oh what a treasure of memories and my heart is making room ready to do it all again! Life is rich living sticky here with YOU.
I. Am. Ready!
Ok, where is John Denver? We need to put this masterpiece to music. You are amazing Sandy to capture every-thing in one precious post. Wow. So blessed that you flew here. Can’t wait to see you again. This side of heaven is so much sweeter with transcontinental Twitter friends….what a gift. Feeling very thankful … for each one of you. xoxoxo
We WILL meet again. I am sure of it. You have a piece of my heart.
How wonderful when friends and loved ones can gather and enjoy a time together. Gratitude of friends and Jesus our friend who is always with us.
Amen to that. Thanks for stopping by, Hazel.
Wow. I long for these kinds of friendships. Too many years of pushing people away, holding them at an arm’s length… but this makes me see what I’ve been missing. So happy you have them. 🙂
It would have been so easy to say flying off to spend a weekend with online friends took too much time, took away from family, cost too much . . . But–the value of this visit can’t be measured. So, so glad and so ready to go again.
Praying for you today, Courtney, and so glad you visited and took the time to comment.
Hi Sandy –
I’m so glad you were able to meet your friends from cyberspace! Nothing can replace the joy of meeting face to face.
I LOVE socks! Every now and then, I surprise people with my wild, crazy footwear.
Susan 🙂
Hi Susan. It was awesome. And someday–maybe you and I will connect on land. You are a blessing.
So you are another sock sister. Cool!
oh, i see him in these photos. in your radiance. i’m jealous in a good way 🙂 what a beautiful ode to the online made tangible, dear sandra. thank you for sharing. xo
Thanks, Emily. I so treasure connecting with you.
I loved this post! It’s awesome how cyberspace expands our ministry borders and connects us with God’s girls. Sounds like you and I are on the same page these days! 🙂
For such a time as this. The Internet is God’s new tool for reaching out. Can’t wait til the time I can reach my arms around your neck, girlfriend.
Blessed that I could wake up at the feet of our Master with beloved friends. Grateful for treasured times- engaging in laughter, love, authentic caring and sharing. Praying we are putting tables together for the next 3hr “Living Sticky” luncheon:)
I left part of me there. I have a part of you all here.
Folding each of your hearts into the corners of mine.
Grateful for you!
yep. sounds like Life to me…I would love to know what you lovely ladies were dreaming together…aren’t dreams wonderful??!!
Indeed! Welcome, Abby.
How could I not smile after reading that? I love seeing the pics too. Thanks, Sandy!
Thanks for doing these, Bridget. Thankful for you.
So happy for you to be blessed by yours. What fun!!
Hi Caryjo! Still amazed at the deep that can flow online.
Grateful for you, too, Snady. 😀
So grateful for you, too. Another now face-to-face sister. 🙂
Oh my goodness! I didn’t know there were others before us… 🙂
What fun!
A weekend tweet-up. 🙂
Tami is leading the team to Haiti in December. 🙂