I see it out my penthouse window.
When did my husband paint the whole west side white? I see it every day. I just realized that it’s white.
It looks dumb. I wish it was all gray or all white.
Preferably all gray. The white door is okay.
And the paint job’s pretty sloppy.
No offense, DH.
(I can see him scratch his arms as he laughs nervously.)
I really must be more observant.
We had chickens for a couple of years. I love fresh eggs.
We just use the building for storage now. I think we call it the shed. I will have to listen to myself the next time I talk about it.
Because I think I sometimes call the little addition attached to our garage the shed. The people before us added it on as a doghouse, and there’s a little door that leads to what was once a small kennel with a cement floor. (The cement is still there. We took the wire down.)
Or maybe I still call that the rabbit house. We kept over 30 rabbits in there when the kids were in 4-H.
My daughter wrote this in chalk about 12 years ago, and it says “welcome to the rabbit barn.”
I don’t remember calling it the barn. Maybe I did.
Nevertheless, now it houses the riding lawnmower and recycling.
Actually, I think I still call the shed the chicken house.
But it used to be the peafowl house back when Dennis’ parents lived here. And I remember the big birds strutting around the yard. They used to get out a lot and sometimes fly to the top of the house and scream, “HALLLP! HALLLP!”
I’m confusing myself. We have these outbuildings. Well, technically the one is not an outbuilding since it’s attached to the garage. We cut through the garage wall so we could walk right in.
These buildings have names. I think. But I don’t remember what they are. I wonder if the rest of the family is as confused as I am. And how do we find anything?
Anyway, this is what I know.
Both buildings have served different functions over the years.
With the purpose of providing shelter–for different critters as well as stuff.
And God’s given each one of us a purpose.
But we serve different functions over the years.
There’s a time for everything.
In season.
And now you are as confused as I am.
Joining Cassandra for her Window Views at Moonboat Cafe.
Confused…hmmm, maybe….Blessed? Definitely!
Hi Sandy –
LOL! My yard had both a small shed and a small barn. I say, “had,” because the barn was torn down last spring. All this gives visions of a mini-farm or larger, but the property is quite modest.
It’s all tucked away in my head. Maybe I’ll write about it someday.
Susan 🙂
Oh, do! And share pictures.
I still miss our old barn that blew down a couple years ago. But at least I don’t have to worry about scary critters (or worse) hiding out in the dark.
maybe you were just thinking it was a pleasantly disturbed Thursday … 🙂
Yeah. That’s it. Good answer. 😉
Super nice.. 🙂
Nope – not confused. I get it – I totally get it.
Oh dear. I think I might be worried about you. 😉
That is so true. We can get confused when our function changes, but our purpose stays the same. -good challenge.
Well put!
It looks good in the pix! All white and clean…
Hmmm. And to think you have new LASIK vision. 😉