Time is the coin of your life. It is the only coin you have, and only you can determine how it will be spent. Be careful lest you let other people spend it for you. ~ Carl Sandburg
I love this–especially about being careful how others spend our time. Makes me really think:)
Me, too. And I suppose we could go in all kinds of directions to expand on this quote. Are we investing our coins wisely on our own or when we allow others to spend?
Cassandra Frear says
Love it!
Yep. Learning that one. How hard it is to balance this with being a servant.
Sandra says
Oh yeah.
Karen Lange says
Very good. Wise words to remember.
Sandra says
And apply. 😉
S. Etole says
I’m wondering if those are sumac berries?
Sandra says
Yep. The bunch being known as drupes or bobs, I think. Not sure it has any relationship to the quote, but I liked the picture. 😉
Terri Tffany says
I love this–especially about being careful how others spend our time. Makes me really think:)
Sandra says
Me, too. And I suppose we could go in all kinds of directions to expand on this quote. Are we investing our coins wisely on our own or when we allow others to spend?