Through seasons of change
and barrenness
there comes hope
and fullness of life.
“Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for He who promised is faithful.”
Hebrews 10:23 (NIV)
Linking to Bridget Chumbley’s One Word at a Time Blog Carnival on Hope.
Kathleen says
Amen is amen in any language. 🙂
Sandra says
*~Michelle~* says
Perfect photos for a perfect message.
(love that rainbow)
Sandra says
Thanks, Michelle.
Sharkbait says
Lovely. Simple, but moving.
Sandra says
Nice to see you, Sharkbait. Thanks.
Glynn says
Beautiful photos, Sandra. Just beautiful.
Sandra says
Thanks. And happy birthday!
Louiseg says
This is so lovely.
thank you.
Sandra says
😀 So are you.
Jay Cookingham says
Love the way you shared hope with us today!
Hope is that thing with feathers that perches in the soul and sings the tune without the words and never stops… at all. ~Emily Dickinson
Sandra says
I LOVE that quote!
Michael says
Sandra says
And hope is timeless. 😉
jasonS says
Love the beauty of the pictures, the words, and the spirit behind them. Thanks Sandra. I feel refreshed!
Sandra says
Thanks so much, Jason.
April says
I love the use of images from fall to spring for hope. That is such a good picture of what hope is. From barren to full!
Sandra says
Thanks, April. 🙂
HisFireFly says
Simply beautiful! Thanks for the uplift.
Sandra says
Thanks for your always hope-filled words.
katdish says
Just lovely, Sandy.
Sandra says
Thanks, Kathy!
S. Etole says
This works well …
Sandra says
Thanks, Susan.
Bridget says
Perfect pics for a beautiful message. Thanks, Sandy.