The wave starts
from the west
and fans east
rounds the curve
and travels north
rustling applause
cicadas chirp-cheer
geese honk above
and tasseled heads
bob and nod
He is good
“Fields of golden grain in the land,
cresting the mountains in wild exhuberance
Cornucopias of praise, praises
springing from the city like grass from the earth.
May he never be forgotten,
His fame shine on like sunshine.
May all godless people enter his circle of blessing
and bless the One who blessed them.
Blessed God, Israel’s God,
the one and only wonder-working God!
Blessed always his blazing glory!
All earth brims with his glory.
Yes and Yes and Yes.”
Psalm 72:16-20 (Message)
Written yesterday breezy morning as I sat on my daughter’s porch waiting to take my grandgirl’s first-day-of-third-grade pictures.
Linked today to One Shot Wednesday at One Stop Poetry.
This was beautiful.
Thanks, Michael!
I’m with Michael — this was beautiful — and like watching the wind blowing across the fields.
Thanks, Glynn. It went from breezy to oh so windy as the day wore on. I had to break a tree apart that had fallen in my daughter’s lane in order to take Gracee home after school.
He is so good…loved all the imagery through out…and shining his fame…smiles. a refreshing one shot!
Thanks so much, Brian.
Enjoying your work abundantly ….
You bless me abundantly.
It’s always good to capture those moments that inspire. Nice One Shot!
Thanks, Eric!
Beautiful words, beautiful photos, beautiful child, beautiful thoughts. Praise God for every good gift. 🙂
Thanks so much, Carol.
such a pretty piece, i could felt as though i was there watching it
Thank you, and welcome.
Lovely…the words and the image both!
Beautiful. I love blogs where I can rest and breathe in the peace and beauty of another person’s words.
Awww, Nikole. Sweet. 🙂
Beautiful and the pics are lovely too.
Thanks. 🙂
Enjoyed how you weave the wind among the other sounds of nature. Great image too.
I grew up on the high plains. I have often experienced this. There’s a special indescribable sound that accompanies those waves quite different and more chilling than those of the ocean but when you’ve lived by both you know they’re connected. Beautiful. Thank you for posting, Gay (@beachanny).
Very cool, Gay. Neat connection.
Beautiful! Your grandgirl is lovely. 🙂
Thanks, Susan!
I dreamed about you last night. I can’t remember why.
such a beautiful piece..or maybe i should have sad peace!! late on the one shot rounds but thanks for sharing..pete
All the beauty in the world on display for the master.
thanks for sharing on One Stop
Moon Hugs
Love it, love it, love it! You continue to amaze me! Love you!