Saturday Chores August 7, 2010 By Sandra Heska King radio rocking flowered shorts topping royal princess leotard she dances to saturday chores for grandma. Share this:EmailPrintFacebookTwitterPinterest
HisFireFly says August 7, 2010 at 12:47 pm Will you send her up to my place to dance for us? And do our chores, of course.
Victor Travison says August 9, 2010 at 2:59 pm I bet it was quite a sight. Children dance so lithely, and sometimes they grow up still lithe. Nothing like having fun while you work. 😀
Will you send her up to my place to dance for us? And do our chores, of course.
Kiss the top of her princess head for me.
I bet it was quite a sight. Children dance so lithely, and sometimes they grow up still lithe. Nothing like having fun while you work. 😀