It’s National Nurses Week (May 6-12), and so I’ve invited one of my favorite nurses, who shares a first name with my favorite–and only–sister, to visit The Write Pursuit.
Candace Calvert writes medical fiction where she offers healthy doses of drama, romance, humor, and hope.
She’s lived it. She shares it.
And if you’re a nurse, be sure to visit her blog this week. Tell her how long you’ve been a nurse and what type of nursing you do (or did), and you’ll have a chance to win an autographed copy of either Critical Care or Disaster Status.
And now–here’s Candace!
Candace Calvert in One Word
1. Who was/is your favorite TV doctor?
2. Look to your left. What’s the first thing you see?
3. When you drive without cruise control, is your foot usually lead, light, or exact?
Lead. (Your secret’s safe with us.)
4. You and Erin Quinn (from Disaster Status) are spending a girl’s night out. Where do you go?
5. What is your favorite board game?
6. If you turned up missing, where is the last place your friends and family would look for you?
7. As a child, what food did you refuse to eat?
8. When cleaning your house, are you a gentle breeze or a tornado?
9. You’re feeling very creative. Where are you?
10. What are you usually doing at 9:00 a.m. on a Saturday morning?
Candace Calvert in One Line
1. What would Leigh (from Disaster Status) say she liked best about working with you?
That we share a love for horses and that I understand the heartbreak of betrayal.
2. What was the most memorable gift you ever received?
From God: my children; from a person: a braided bracelet fashioned by my daughter out of strands of hair from my beloved mare, Winter Winds.
3. What do you miss most about the ER?
The bonds among the ER team and the satisfaction that comes with “being there” for someone in a time of great need.
4. What is the strangest thing you’ve eaten when you didn’t have time to cook?
(Confession and recipe): Put a big blob of peanut butter in coffee cup, mix in a huge clump of brown sugar and hefty sprinkling of chocolate chips, add spoon–instant Reese’s!
5. What is the difference between a strong woman and a woman of strength?
A strong woman struggles to stay “tough and in control,” relying only on herself; a woman of strength finds peace and joy through faith in God.
6. What is your most treasure souvenir and why?
Christmas ornaments collected on world travel with my wonderful husband–keepsakes of adventures–romantic, funny, exotic, and unforgettable.
7. Who was your favorite teacher and why?
Gloria Kempton, author and online instructor, showed me that I could actually touch people through my writing–I made her cry.
8. What is on the top of your to-do list when preparing for company?
Lists and . . . lists of lists, sometimes in colored ink.
9. How do you capture writing ideas?
I am a sponge for things around me–soak it up, squeeze it out through the keyboard.
10. Who do people say you look like and why?
A woman recently told me that I look (in profile) “just like Vivian Leigh in ‘Gone with the Wind'”–frankly, my dear, I don’t see it.
Candace Calvert on One Thing
What one thing would you like to say to your readers or future readers?
What one thing would you like to say to your fellow writers or aspiring writers?
Fire Captain Scott McKenna has felt the toxic effects of tragedy; he’s learned to go strictly by the book to advance his career, heal his family, and protect his wounded heart. When he’s forced to team with the passionately determined ER charge nurse, sparks fly. As they work to save lives, can they handle the attraction kindled between them . . . without getting burned?
Watch for Code Triage–coming September 2010!
Candace Calvert’s website
Candace Calvert’s blog
Candace Calvert on Facebook
Candace Calvert on Twitter
Copyright © 2010 by Sandra Heska King
This was totally enjoyable. But then again it's not difficult to find enjoyment when two of my special friends are conversing.
Every time I read an interview done with Candy I learn something new about her. This one was no exception.
Thank you for sharing it, Sandy.
Thank you Candy for being such an awesome friend and sharing your gifts with the world.
Hi Melinda,
Candy's just so much fun! I think it's funny how she made creative use of punctuation to say everything she wanted in one line. 🙂
I so enjoyed this interview! Creative idea with the one word answers! 🙂
Thanks again!
Hi, Kim! So glad you dropped by. Glad you enjoyed the interview.
I really enjoyed the one word/one line/one thing answers. And I know how difficult it was for Candace to condense her responses.
Thanks for sharing this interview with us.
Welcome, Richard. So glad you enjoyed it. Hmmm. Maybe I should talk to you about your turn. 🙂
Enjoyed this, thank you!
Happy weekend,
This was a very fun and interesting interview to read. Enjoyed it very much. Great job!
What an inventive method of interviewing. And Candace was even more inventive in her answers. Thanks for sharing, Roland
This was great! Love this idea, and thanks so much to both of you for sharing. 🙂
Karen, Kara, Roland: Thanks for checking in. Yes, she was inventive in her response. I'm going to start calling her Creative Candy. 🙂
Sandy, apparently not Creative enough to have actually posted the comment I composed here days ago–oops, must have skipped a step! Anyway, I so appreciate your hosting me and loved being challenged by your questions. LOL, I am the Queen of em-dash, ellipse and semi colon abuse. Ask my editors! 😉
It's great to have the opportunity to connect with your readers here. Thank you for your comments.
@Roland: I see you following me! Thanks. Have a great weekend.