Abby does not have a guardian angel.
She has several. And they work in shifts. And with limited assignments. Guarding her creates too much stress. Even for an angel.
They worked overtime Friday night.
I wonder if heaven houses a golden spa. A place where a frazzled angel goes for feathicures, herbal halo wraps, purifying mud masks, or milk and honey massages.
If so, the place was busy Saturday morning.
My heart usually skips a beat when I see Abby’s name on my caller I.D. She doesn’t often call just to ask how I am or tell me she’s thinking about me. It’s usually to make a request or share a piece of drama.
Like Friday night.
I didn’t have to decipher the tone of voice. It was frantic.
“Mom! We’ve been in an accident!”
Moms hate those kinds of calls.
And after reassurance that she was not hurt, I did what any good mom would do. I dumped on my Facebook and Twitter angels and called on them for prayer.
And they came through for Abby, for the others involved in the wreck, for Gracee and me as we waited because going to the scene was not a good option.
Here is what happened.
Abby was driving north on the highway in her Saturn Ion on an nasty road, going about 45. A semi passed her. A Jeep entered from the ramp. The Jeep must have accelerated too quickly on ice as it pulled in front of Abby. The driver lost control, swerved into the left lane where the semi clipped the front end. The semi lost control, hit the bridge, and the trailer overturned. The Jeep spun out, and Abby hit it. The highway there, just a couple miles from home, was closed for hours. The EMTs took the Jeep occupants to the ER with, hopefully, minor injuries.
The officer at the scene did not believe Abby’s car sustained damage, but light proved otherwise.
Yet we are grateful that she, baby in the oven, and father-to-be escaped injury.
After everyone’s nerves calmed, we contemplated the “what ifs.”
What if Abby and Lee had chosen to stay in and watch satellite movies?
What if Abby and Lee had chosen to enjoy a dinner locally instead of heading toward Lansing?
What if Lee hadn’t taken extra time to shovel some extra heavy snow?
What if they hadn’t left Abby’s house at the time they had or if she hadn’t driven the speed she did?
Would the Jeep still have entered the highway at the same time?
Would the semi have been traveling the same speed–but only in the right lane?
Would the semi have broadsided the Jeep with fatal consequences?
Did Abby serve as a buffer to tragedy?
We’ll never know.
But one thing I know for certain.
And one thing I wonder.
Were frazzled angels crowding into the Golden Spa on Saturday morning?
Oh wow!! I can just imagine how your heart must have dropped in dread the moment you heard her voice on the phone! I'm so glad to hear that no one was seriously hurt!
Love the picture of the frazzled kitty. I feel that way a lot.
Have I had a close call? Yes. Recently.
One night, I was almost asleep when I heard a sizzling, snapping noise. I opened my eyes and saw blue sparks flying out an electrical outlet. Smoke followed and the unmistakable smell of burnt wires.
I shut off power at the main breaker, because I didn't have time to figure out which breaker controlled that outlet.
What if I hadn't woke up? What if I'd been at work when that happened? I could have lost everything, and worse, my cats would have burned alive in the fire.
God is good. He was watching out for me.
Glad your daughter and her family are safe.
Praise God for your family's safety!! I do actually wonder how Angels handle all that we put them through. But since Heaven is supposed to be so peaceful and without fear, I have to think God has their nerves safely protected somehow.
@Jody: I forgot to mention that right after her first words were out, the phone cut off!
@Lorna: Yikes! How scary! I wonder if I would have thought to shut off the breaker? I wonder how many things He protects us from that we are totally unaware of.
@Eileen: You're probably right. 😉 Created with nerves of steel.
The hair on my head is standing up straight. What a charming thing to wonder about and picture, frazzled angels at r & r. 🙂