In the bottom drawer of a file cabinet, I just discovered a thick folder filled with “poems and inspiration.” I thumbed through it as I searched for examples to use in my message for ladies Bible study. Out fell this green card.
It’s signed “Beverly.” My brain strains toward a faint recollection of a women’s speaker who visited our little church in Tampa. I cannot remember the article she speaks of.
The card sports a push pin hole, so it must have once resided on a bulletin board for inspiration and encouragement. I think it deserves a frame now.
I heart this card, and I breathe a prayer of thanksgiving for Beverly, for BBA, who took the time to send it and affirms me once again–25 years in the future.
Copyright © 2009 by Sandra Heska King
that is s awesome. it's like the word of God is our our little green card from Him: it breathes into our here and now, as well as our where and then.
What a cool analogy!