Sometimes–no, often–Gracee amazes me with insightful words. Lately she has dispensed writing advice with wisdom beyond second grade. Who needs to attend a writers’ conference when you have a live-in mentor?
Here are 7 of her tips.
1. Think of your story as a gift. Put lots of excitement in the box. Make it fun to read.
2. Have a central idea. Put it on the back cover because that’s what authors do.
3. Add description (detail words).
- No: I got my ears pierced.
- Yes: My mom took me to a little store called Claire’s in the mall to get my ears pierced for my seventh birthday.
4. Use dialogue (talking words).
- No: I was nervous.
- Yes: “Mom,” I said. “Hold my hand because I’m kind of nervous.”
5. Use lots of action (energy words)
- No: I sat in the chair.
- Yes: I climbed up on a tall stool, kicked my legs back and forth and bit my lower lip.
6. Use expression (feeling words).
- No: It was over.
- Yes: I felt proud when it was over and smiled big when I saw my earrings in the mirror, even though one giant tear floated in my right eye.
7. Use onomatopoeia (noise words). Yes, she said this!
- No: The gun was loud.
- Yes: Bang! Bang! The gun shot an earring into each ear, and I did not jump.
When you are done writing your story, wrap it up. Tie up all loose ends. Make the book cover pretty!
Copyright © 2009 by Sandra Heska King
Great tips! So when does Gracee's how-to manual come out?
LOL! Sooner than later, I hope. She would like to reserve a spot on your blog when she tours. 😉
What a cutie-pie! What knowledge this little one possesses! Too cool! May the Lord bless her!
Fanning her flame . . .
Won't be long before we are reading her books!
Hi Libbie. Thanks for coming by. We're going to nurture this gift for sure!
My daughters love Claire's. I think its sensory overload but they feel right at home there.
Stephen Tremp
I have to admit I kind of like it, too. 😉
Thanks for coming by, Stephen.
You know what? That's some of the best advice I've ever read. Not even kidding.
She is eating up these comments. What an encouragement for her!