Focus is good. Staying on the path. Not looking right or left. Eyes on the goal.
Except when driving. Owl eyes rule. A broad perspective. Watching out for others.
A good time to be a noticer.
So you don’t run someone off the road or into oncoming traffic. Like me.
She had her blinker on. Slowing down to get on the highway. South. But then she veered off the entrance ramp. Toward me. Even though I was blinking. Getting ready to turn north. She changed her mind. Took cuts. Don’t think she even heard my horn.
A mile gone by the time I turned behind her.
Ms. Cauliflower Ear. Cell phone glued firmly to the left.
But she never took her eyes off the road.
The non-noticer.
Focus is good. Staying on the path. Not looking right or left. Eyes on goal.
Following Jesus.
With His eyes. A broad perspective. Watching out for others.
So as not to run them off the road.
So as to pull them from the ditch.
So as to bind their wounds and carry them until they can move on their own.
Following Jesus.
A good time to be a noticer.
Copyright © 2009 by Sandra Heska King
Good thoughts. We can so easily get trapped in our own little bubbles, without ever seeing those around us, much less the big picture. Does that make us the scary drivers on the highway of life?
Maybe. Sometimes. I hope not. I fear I have a lot of blind spots.
Thanks for stopping by, Katie.